Rabbits and the Moon Goddess: Traveling the Silk Road

Growing up in Asia, I always believed there was a rabbit on the moon assisting the Goddess who passed the time grinding dried medicinal herbs into an elixir of immortality. However, only recently did I discover that this trio of associations (rabbits, the moon and divine feminine) is an ancient archetype, stretching across a diverse array of cultures, landscapes and centuries by way of the Silk Road.

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Polar Bear Son: in Kinship with the Wild

Polar Bear Son is a deeply moving Inuit folktale with themes of reciprocity and interdependence. An elderly woman who raises an abandoned baby polar bear as her son. When she grows too old to care for herself, he hunts for food for her.

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Braiding Sweetgrass and the Goddess of Creation

SkyWoman, a Haudenosaunee Creation story about the first woman who falls from the sky clutching seeds and plants which she plants on Turtle’s back where they grow and blossom. . . Sky Woman is a story about an outsider, an immigrant, a celestial stranger who falls from the sky into the world of earthly creatures who help her. Sky Woman shows us the power of reciprocity to bridge differences, and the abundance everyone receives when two worlds meet.

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Rewilding the Self through Story

“Who Cooks For You?” is an African American folktale about rewilding the Self to live a more authentic life. It is inspired by Virginia Hamilton’s retelling of this story in her book Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales.

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