Ways To Give

With deep gratitude towards the people whose ancestors stewarded this landscape on which I live and who continue to steward it today, I am offering the following handmade linocut prints as a donation option. 100% of proceeds will go to the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness.

How it works: If you* click on the Donate button you will be directed to MCNAA's donation page. After donating please email me the receipt, I will give you a code which will allow you to "purchase" the print for free on my website or in my Etsy shop and it will be mailed to you without any additional cost. These prints are offered on a sliding scale basis, please refer to the Donate button for suggested donation price ranges.

(Please note* This is for U.S. Customers only due to high international shipping costs)



The North American indigenous folktale of the Three Sisters is celebrated from Mexico to Montana to Massachusetts, and teaches the ancient agricultural technique of planting corn, beans and squash together because each provides some benefit to the others’ growth and health. The Three Sisters celebrates a sisterhood of mutual thriving where each sister’s uniqueness is a gift to the other two, and all three sister’s gifts are recognized as important to the health of the whole: ancient wisdom we can harvest and each year if we choose to listen and learn from the plants.




It is not only humans that tell stories. . . During the months of April and May in the voice of bright white feathers and a charming black cap, a story darts its way through gusts of wind off the coast of Massachusetts hatching out of makeshift nests of pebbles and dry grasses. It is a seasonal story that tells us even temporary guests can still contribute to a landscape’s thriving.


Feathers&Folktales Donation

Feathers&Folktales is a small, woman-owned, eco-friendly, heart-centered creative business offering art and words that enliven and rekindle our enchantment and sense of kinship with the wild and with each other. Please consider supporting my wildest dreams 🪶


Feathers&Folktales is still in the beginning stages as a small creative business, and any amount of support would be genuinely welcomed. All my income is put back into the purchase of art supplies, equipment and small business growth. Thank you for your support.
