A Magical Mossy Coat: Finding Sovereignty in a World that Values Ownership over Love

Mossy Coat is an Old English fairytale about the ingenuity and creativity of a wild forager and weaver who sews her daughter a coat of wild mosses so she can disguise herself, escape poverty, avoid an unwanted marriage and determine her own destiny. It is how even a small diminutive plant like moss can be protective, nurturing, empowering and magical, and how a coat of moss gives the heroine a sense of wildness, freedom, and sovereignty over her own life. An enduring folktale that lives on like wild moss, wielding its quiet power. . .

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Braiding Sweetgrass and the Goddess of Creation

SkyWoman, a Haudenosaunee Creation story about the first woman, reminds us how the wild is inherently full of symbiotic, reciprocal relationships that can inspire us to relate to each other in a similar way if we choose to honor the wisdom of the plants.

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